Gender pay gap reports for
Royal Northern College of Music

Registered address
124 Oxford Road, Manchester, Lancashire, M13 9RD
Nature of business (SIC code)
Education, Public sector

Who is required to report, and the deadlines

From 2017, any employer who has a headcount of 250 or more on their ‘snapshot date’ must comply with regulations on gender pay gap reporting.

2024-25 reporting year
Report due
30 March 2025
2023-24 reporting year
2022-23 reporting year
2021-22 reporting year
2020-21 reporting year
2019-20 reporting year
Report not required
The deadline for 2019-20 was 30 March 2020. Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), enforcement of reporting deadlines does not apply to employers in the 2019-20 reporting year.
2018-19 reporting year
2017-18 reporting year