Gender pay gap reports for
Manor Green School
- Registered address
- Elizabeth Hawkes Way, Maidenhead, SL6 3EQ
- Nature of business (SIC code)
Who is required to report, and the deadlines
From 2017, any employer who has a headcount of 250 or more on their ‘snapshot date’ must comply with regulations on gender pay gap reporting.
- most public authority employers (opens in a new window) must use a snapshot date of 31 March and report and publish gender pay gap information by 30 March of the following year
- private, voluntary and all other public authority employers (opens in a new window) must use a snapshot date of 5 April and report and publish gender pay gap information by 4 April of the following year.
- 2024-25 reporting year
Report due
30 March 2025 - 2023-24 reporting year
- 2022-23 reporting year
- 2021-22 reporting year
- 2020-21 reporting year
Submitted late on
13 October 2021 - View report for reporting year 2020-21
- 2019-20 reporting year
Report not required
- 2018-19 reporting year
Report not required
- 2017-18 reporting year
Report not required
This report was due on
5 Oct 2021